This is the most hear wrenching thing I have seen in a long time. this poor pitt bull apparently trying to defend his master against the "evil porcupine" learned his lesson the hard way when it comes to battling animals with spikes. Bet next time he sees a porcupine he will run away.

pit bulls being a very instinctively protective breed of dog, will defend their master agains nearly ANY animal. And now the poor thing looks like a living pin cushion. I can only IMAGINE the pain this poor animal must be going through.
"Now ehen the dog see's a porcupine it will run away." The wasy you said thatshouldn't like you don' care that thepitbull was probably horribly tortured and could have died from all those needles in it's FACE!!! Next time you write about a pit bull fight, have an ounce of sympathy!
I really must disagree with shortillathehun, the author is having an ounce of humor which is appropriate even for the worst times.
Interesting btw
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