SERIOUSLY FOLKS! I have a pregnant mouse living quite comfortably with my pet python Buddy!
Now when I first put the mouse in the tank, she was quite thin and showing no signs of pregnancy. (I think because she just wasn't showing yet. She probaby got a little mouse action around the time I bought it because any intelligent person would know snakes and mice can't make babies. lol but this is kind of funny anyway)
I put the mouse in there about 3 weeks ago, but because my snake is in it's hibernating stage, he isn't very hungry, and probably won't be for a couple more months.
So for now Buddy and mother to be are living quite comfortably together. She has completely destroyed the various decorative plants I had in the tank for buddy, but he doesn't seem to be bothered much by it all. (looks like I may have to invest in some more plants when all is said and done here)
But I am posting a few pics here to show you the new odd couple of 2008! isn't this great folks! preditor and prey living side by side. lol
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